edit this page Theme Creation

Files and Directories

This is the basic file/directory setup for a theme.

  ├─── yourtheme.xml <-- parameters, author and install data
  ├─── index.tpl <-- blog main view
  ├─── entry.tpl <-- single entry view
  ├─── comments.tpl <-- entry’s comments view
  ├─── CSS
  │    ├─── style.css <-- themes style
  │    ├─── ie6.css <-- Internet Explorer 6 tweaks
  │    ├─── ie7.css <-- Internet Explorer 7 tweaks
  │    ├─── ie8.css <-- Internet Explorer 8 tweaks
  │    └─── green.css <-- theme variation
  └─── IMAGES
       └─── default_entry.png <-- default image for entries

XML Parameters

The following parameters are set within the theme’s XML file.

  • style: used for theme color variations
  • left_object: change left column object (avatar, image, none, etc.)
  • leftobj_width: left column object width
  • leftobj_height: left column object height
  • leftcol_width: left column’s width