edit this page Methods

The following methods are part of the Torann\LaravelRepository\Contracts\Repository.

public function boot(): void

The boot method is called when a repository is instantiated. This method provides a convenient place to register global scopes or perform other setup tasks.

public function getModel(): Model

Return model instance.

getNew(array $attributes = []): Model

Get a new entity instance


  • $attributes - The array of attributes to fill the new model instance.

public function newQuery(bool $skipOrdering = false): static

Get a new query builder instance with the applied the order by and scopes.


  • $skipOrdering - Skip the preset order by options.

find(mixed $id, $columns = ['*'])

Find data by its primary key.


  • $id - Entity's unique identifier.
  • $columns - Columns to return.

findOrFail(mixed $id, array $columns = ['*']): Model|null

Find a model by its primary key or throw an exception.


  • $id - Entity's unique identifier.
  • $columns - Columns to return.

findBy(string $field, mixed $value, array $columns = ['*'])

Find data by field and value


  • $field - Table column name.
  • $value - Table column value to search.
  • $columns - Columns to return.

findAllBy(string $attribute, mixed $value, array $columns = ['*'])

Find data by field


  • $attribute - The attribute key to query.
  • $value - A single value or an array of values.
  • $columns - Columns to return.

findWhere(array $where, $columns = ['*'])

Find data by multiple fields


  • $where - An array of key value pairs.
  • $columns - Columns to return.

orderBy(mixed $column, string|null $direction)

Order results by. For setup and more complex uses, see the Ordering section.


  • $column - The column name used for ordering.
  • $direction - Must be desc or asc.

search(string|array|null $queries)

Filter results by given query params. For setup and more complex uses, see the Searching section.


  • $queries - A single string term used to search or an array of params.

all(array $columns = ['*']): Collection

Retrieve all data of repository


  • $columns - Columns to return.

count(array $columns = ['*']): int

Get an array with the values of a given column(s).

pluck(string $value, string $key = null): array

Get an array with the values of a given column(s).


  • $value - Columns value to retrieve.
  • $key - Option third value to retrieve.

paginate(mixed $per_page = null, string|array $columns = ['*'], string $page_name = 'page', mixed $page = null)

Retrieve all data of repository, paginated


  • $per_page - When null it uses the system default.
  • $columns - Columns to return.
  • $page_name - Page name used for pagincation.
  • $page - Current page.

simplePaginate($perPage = null, $columns = ['*'], $pageName = 'page', $page = null)

Retrieve all data of repository, paginated using the simplePaginate method.


  • $per_page - When null it uses the system default.
  • $columns - Columns to return.
  • $page_name - Page name used for pagincation.
  • $page - Current page.

create(array $attributes): Model|bool

Save a new entity in repository


  • $attributes - The new entity's attributes.

update(Model $entity, array $attributes): Model|bool

Update an entity with the given attributes and persist it


  • $entity - The entity to update.
  • $attributes - The attributes to update.

delete(mixed $entity): bool

Delete an entity in repository


  • $entity - The entity to delete.

makeModel(): model

Create model instance.

getBuilder(bool $skipOrdering = false): Builder

Get a new query builder instance with the applied order by and scopes.

toSql(): string

Get the raw SQL statements for the request

getScopeQuery(): array

Return query scope.

addScopeQuery(Closure|Scope $scope): static


  • $scope - A closure or instance of Torann\LaravelRepository\Contracts\Scope.

addJoin(string $alias, Closure $callback): string

Perform a join if the alias is not already set.


  • $alias - Join alias to use.
  • $callback - Callback to actually perform the join.

Add query scope.

getMessageBag(): MessageBag

Get the message bag instance.

addMessage(string $message, string $key = 'message'): static

Add a message to the repository's message bag.


  • $message - The message to add.
  • $key - Message key.

hasMessage(string $key = 'message'): bool

Determine of the repository has a message.


  • $key - Message key.

getMessage(string $key = null, string $format = null, string $default = ''): string

Get the first message matching the provided criteria.


  • $key - Message key.
  • $format - Message format.
  • $default - Default message to return if the provided message criteria didn't return anything.

addError(string $message): static

Add an error to the message bag.


  • $message - Which message bag to return.

hasErrors(): bool

Determine of the repository has any error messages.

getErrors(string $format = null): array

Get all the repository's error messages.


  • $format - Message format.
  • getErrorMessage(string $default = ''): string

Return the repository's first error message.


  • $format - Message format.