edit this page Template Markup - Objects


Evaluates the value of select attribute and is a self closing tag.


  • select [string] - expression to evaluate


<blog:value select="{category.category_name}" />


Code inside <blog:if> is evaluated and displayed if test condition is satisfied.


  • text - required

Operators = is equal to and equivalent to PHP's && or equivalent to PHP's || != does not equal &lt; less than &gt; greater than in checks if a value exists in an array

Example #1

<blog:if test="{var}">
    Var is not empty

Example #2

<blog:if test="!{var}">
    Var is empty

Example #3

<blog:if test="{tag.count} &lt; {cat.count}">
    tag. count is smaller than cat. count.
    tag. count is larger or equal than cat. count.

Example #4

<blog:if test="{tag.name} or {cat.name}>
    cat or tag set

Example #5

<blog:if test="{tag.name} != {cat.name} ">
    <blog:value select="{tag.name}" />


When used inside <blog:if> value it is evaluated and displayed if <blog:if> test is not satisfied. When used inside <blog:foreach> value it is evaluated and displayed if <blog:foreach> has nothing to loop trough.

The <blog:else> tag must be within a <blog:if> or <blog:foreach> tag.

Example #1

<blog:if test="{tag.name} = {cat.name}">
    tag.name is equal to cat.name.
    tag.name is not equal to cat.name.

Example #2

<blog:foreach from="{tags_list}" item="tag">
    <blog:value select="{tag.title}">
    No tags.


This tag is used to loop through an array.


  • from [array] - The array you are looping through (required)
  • item [integer] - The name of the variable to assign the current array element (required)
  • loop [integer] - The number of iterations
  • start [integer] - The number to start from
  • step [integer] - Step increment, default 1
  • key [string] - The name of the variable to hold current index


<blog:foreach from="{tag_list}" item="tag">
    <blog:value select="{tag.title}" />


This tag is used to format a date using Joomla's date function.


  • date [string] - The date you are formatting (required)
  • format [string] – The date format


<blog:value date="{tag.date}" format=” %b %d, %Y”/>


This tag is used to format a URL using Joomla's JRoute function.


  • url[string] - The date you are formatting (required)


<blog:jroute url="index.php?&option=com_content&id={article.slug}" class=”link” title="{ article.title }">
    <blog:value select="{ article.title }" />


Used to create a new comment form.


  • id[string] – Comment form unique identifier (required)
  • allow [string] - Are comments allowed? (required)
  • total [string] – Total comments (required)


<blog:commentbox id="{entry.id}" allow="{entry.allowComments}" total="{totalcoms}" />


Used for displaying an entry's comments.


  • id[string] – Comment form unique identifier (required)
  • title [string] – Entry's title (required)


<blog:comments id="{entry.id}" title="{entry.title}" />