An online resource, community and marketplace for people who love plants.
With over 97,000 plants index along with the attributes such as foliage colors, light requirements, planting space and depth, germination times, and many other attributes I decided to create a robust search system. Which led me to Amazon's CloudSearch service and the creation of my CloudSearch Package for Laravel. But sadly the cost coming in from the site and the cost to run the CloudSearch service was too much, so I had to go back to PostgreSQL's built in search.
At the time of release only basic plant attributes were displayed at the top of a plant's page. In future interactions I plan of adding a blooming time chart and planting depth and time chart (based on zone).
With plant editing I had a little fun. I created a simple (for the end user at least) Markdown editor. With it came support for citations and image uploading (view a simple in editor preview).
The marketplace was built using Etsy as inspiration, such as it's real-time shipping quotes, shipping profiles, sales tax management, and orders system.
With a simple overview page, the shop owner can review products and see how many views a product has received. All analytic data is stored and processed using Piwik, with it's easy to use API and fast response time it gives the shop owners (and export article authors) near real-time data.
Note in a future release I will expose more analytic data
Managing products was created to be as smooth as possible. A product can have a sinlge or multiple plants attached to it. This helps show the number of plants for sale on the plants main page.
Since a shop owner has a profile page I thought it would help make the site a little more social by having the product page be inside of the sellers profile. Doing this increases the chance of a user looking around.
Lulebe allows users to create expert articles which are used to better help the community or explain how to care for a plant the author is selling.
As with the plants index page, the expert page shows the top trending articles and allows for in depth searching.
A bit of an experimental feature (currently turned off), this section of Lulebe allows user to find nearby parks, nurseries, botanical gardens, and other plant related businesses or locations.
Using Leaflet.js and Wikimedia maps, I was able to create a interactive map to highlight locations of interest.