edit this page Moderations


  • blacklist flags a string if it contains any of one or more words that has been added to the black list.

  • links checks if a field contains too many links based on the max links allowed. The default can be set in the config file or in the rule as seen above.

Black Lists

The black list is stored in a number of places using the Blacklist Drivers. Black list elements can be formed from Regular Expressions or a Character Sequence.


  • spammingsite.com
  • [suck(er|ers|s|ing)?|ugly|buttface]
  • [\d{3}.\d{3}.\d{3}.\d{3}]

or using newlines:



  • blacklist.updated must be fired when updating the black list table. This is only needed if caching is turned on. This can be automatically done if using the BlacklistTrait on your blacklist model [See Models in Blacklist Management].

  • \Torann\Moderate\Events\Moderated fired with an item is flagged. This can be used to send an email to the site admin.